Zen has practiced free-flow Tai Chi
since 1994.
Zen picked up a crystal in a field,
and within seconds,
he was 'tuned-in' to Sun Energy ( spirals ),
which grounded.
Zen knew instantly
that he could dowse.
For 2 years,
Zen experimented,
visiting ancient sites in SW England,
and began to work with other men on the path.
Zen had opened a small farm he owned
as the English Earth Project.
People began to visit,
and some good things happened.
Authority intervened,
and totally wrecked it,
destroying the project,
and ruining Zen.
Some very nasty things were done
by some very nasty people.
Zen made a deliberate choice
not to follow their path,
and made self-healing his first priority.
A long journey of self-discovery.
Zen received help from other men.
One in particular
as a deep trance channeller.
He had told Zen
he had channeled some years before
but stopped due to headaches.
He could lie down on a floor,
enter a deep meditative state,
and within 2 or 3 minutes,
he was gone.
The body was there,
but his personality or spirit was not.
One evening,
a completely different voice
suddenly spoke to Zen.
Zen was given to understand
that this was his Spirit Guide.
Zen knew this was extraordinary,
and was open to the idea,
but also extremely sceptical,
thinking it was a game by his friend.
So to test this out,
Zen thought of a question
about his childhood,
that his friend knew nothing of.
The intention
was to prove this was just a game.
The thought was in Zen's mind,
but had not yet been said.
The Voice chuckled,
and gave the correct answer.
The Spirit Guide
was not only reading Zen's mind,
but knew Zen's past.
Zen's inherited understanding
that what we think within our skulls
is a secret
had gently but powerfully
been turned upside down.
For the next 2.5 years,
at irregular intervals,
perhaps 80 to 120 times,
these talks would take place,
with one or other of 2 guides.
Zen's friend
never had a single memory
of anything that was said,
of being anywhere else.
It was as if he did not exist
during that time.
Suffice it to say
that Zen's way of looking at life
took a new direction.
For those that are into Numerology,
Zen received his wake-up call
on 31 OCT 1990,
when he was precisely 33.3 years of age.
They say
that 333 is the number of Light.
It took several years
for Zen to find this out.
After a number of painful experiences
during Zen's ruin,
Zen trapped his sciatic nerve.
Zen had once stuck a fragment of glass
under a fingernail,
which broke off,
and it took him 20 minutes of dancing about
to get it out.
That was painful,
but nothing
compared with trapping his sciatic nerve.
The NHS offered painkillers,
and very basic exercises,
with the general advice
that that was all they could do,
and he was stuck with it for life.
Zen binned
both painkillers and exercises.
Zen intuitively knew
that the doctor
did not know what he was talking about.
Pain is a Messenger,
and worth listening to.
Zen walked out into a field,
stood with his legs slightly apart,
and his arms by his side,
facing the Sun,
and said to Spirit
'OK - what next?'
His left hand
slowly came up
to between heart and chin,
followed by the right hand,
and they remained slightly apart,
focusing energy.
From this small beginning,
Zen trusted the process,
and healed his back within 3 months,
with no recurrence in 23 years.
Zen likes to practice outdoors,
usually near mature trees,
and often near water.
Tai Chi is practiced in China
by millions of people,
and the form we see most often,
is where many people come together
to perform identical set movements.
Zen's Tai Chi
is what is known as 'free-flow',
and if you can twiddle your thumbs,
you can do free-flow Tai Chi.
creates limitations.
These affect the mind.
The mind affects the body.
People move their bodies,
but the range of movements
are limited.
Most people's movements
might be described
'up and down, back and forth'.
If one examines
the joints in the human body,
many are designed
with a high degree of rotation,
yet few people
use more
than a tiny part of that potential.
If one thinks
of a bolt on a door,
one has to move it in a certain way
before it slots into place.
Once locked,
it provides strength.
The body is flesh and bone,
and designed to be capable
of many awesome things,
as athletes and gymnasts show us.
Tai Chi is a meditation,
as well as an exercise,
while also being a martial art.
In chi movement,
the body
has 3 modes:-
Tai Chi
is about slowly training the mind/body
in muscle memory.
The body
has many, many 'door bolts',
and they work together
to create new possibilities of movement,
As one practices free-flow Tai Chi
over the years,
it teaches you.
This, at least,
is Zen's experience.
By trusting the process,
and being aware
that one is not alone,
but part of a huge universe
of loving energy
that creates and drives Life,
new potential
is delivered to you.
The mind,
which spews out thoughts so fast,
slows down,
allowing a deeper mind
to reveal itself.
who has never experienced this,
has no clue whatsoever
what Zen means.
But anyone
who has encountered such experiences,
and with a sense of gentle awe
that wishes to explore further,
tends to receive small gifts
that draw him further on.
In other words,
this is not - and never can be -
the glossy, glistening professionalism
of the intellectual mind,
that runs our current world,
and is responsible for it's state.
This is the intuitive mind,
that delves into deep memory,
and delivers insights
that both empower and free.
Zen has never had a teacher
for free-flow Tai Chi.
Anyone who wishes to see a diploma
from a reputable institution,
cannot have one.
Zen's credentials
are what you see.
Zen was at one time
logically concerned at this,
feeling he ought to 'find a teacher',
but his intuitive self
was perfectly content
to carry on the process,
and see where it lead.
Zen realised
that relationships within society
are not based on free-flowing energy,
but upon multiple systems of control.
Zen began to realise
that he was working with a different energy -
one that some fear,
while others open in a smile.
After 1 or 2 hours of Tai Chi,
Zen is what he calls 'chi-ied up',
and some other people
notice that energy,
and respond.
The more
one gives away this energy,
the more
one has to give away.
In a society
built upon lack and scarcity,
where so many people
rob others of energy,
this is rather different.
Zen has been asked now and then
if he would teach.
Zen has always said 'Yes'.
In 15 years,
not one person
has come back and followed through.
So what can Zen teach?
no-one should slavishly copy Zen.
One must learn
the basic stance,
and learn
to just let the energy flow
in your own unique way.
People rush all over Earth,
trying to find themselves,
when who they are
is 'right here',
and many possess technological marvels,
while knowing almost nothing
about the potential of their own body.
Your body
is your body.
It knows
everything you have done to it.
We wind our bodies up,
but forget
that our bodies
know what they need to unwind.
We are so busy working and socialising,
we neglect
to take a few moments
to listen
to what our body is saying.
And if we ignore
what our body is saying,
how can we listen
to anything else that is subtle?
In a world
where noise almost never stops,
what we might
be well advised to listen to,
is drowned out
by cars and sirens,
and all the rest.
To really practice
any form of Tai Chi,
one must desire to learn
how to slow down oneself.
In an age of speed,
and of instant gratification,
there is no short-cut
to this kind of knowledge.
It is not Zen's knowledge -
Zen does not -
cannot -
possess it.
It simply IS.
Those to whom the logical brain
is god,
cannot allow themselves
to be open to the possibility
that logic and professionalism
are not the answer to all things.
So they tend to rubbish
this kind of energy.
A closed mind
cannot see,
and it is pointless,
in the extreme,
trying to open a closed mind.
This energy is free,
and freeing.
The Universe
is full of it.
people buy things
to give themselves energy,
as a society,
we have been ruthlessly prevented
over centuries
from energising each other
in certain ways.
have systematically plundered energy
from The People.
has evolved countless ritual dances
that people must perform
as The Price of Survival
in a controlled world.
People 'know'
that things are not right,
but feel powerless
to change anything.
devote vast amounts of energy
to movements and groups,
yet rarely
devote much time
to changing themselves.
You cannot change the system -
you can only change yourself.
As you change yourself,
Life Knows.
then creates an event,
usually of a positive nature,
that marks your forward movement.
And so,
you HAVE changed the world
for the better.
Putting cart before horse
simply does not work.
is cart before horse,
telling itself
that it is the best available transport.
There is no manual.
No course.
No certificate.
No societal reward.
You either see it,
or you do not.
It used to drive Zen crazy
years ago,
when others spoke in riddles,
yet there is a truth in riddles
that logic
can never find.
in it's own time.
It cannot be hurried.
We expect a roll of drums,
or crash of thunder,
but it tends to arrive
like a tiny lost feather
that drops into the palm of your hand
from nowhere.
It belongs to no man,
and certainly not to Zen.
Whatever Zen 'has',
comes and goes.
That is it's nature,
and in a world obsessed
with defining and labelling everything,
it 'lacks' something.
And yet
it is perfect,
just as it is.
Zen 13 AUG 2018