CZ4M Cutlery Swaps & Hire

Quality vintage stainless steel cutlery
and general vintage stainless steel tableware,
carefully looked after by hand,
has a certain look upon a dining table
that no glossy catalogue can sell you.

When first made 100 years ago,
stainless steel was very expensive.

Stainless steel cutlery began
because bone-handled knives with steel blades get rusty.

Also sterling silver cutlery needs polishing,
and with the novelty of an expensive new materiel,
it was realised that the best quality stainless steel
looks good alongside silver.
For example,
England's leading stainless steel brand, Old Hall,
owned by the Wiggin family ( J & J Wiggin ),
originally made high-class bathroom fittings.

In 1928, William and Nellie Wiggins
celebrated their silver wedding anniversary,
and received gifts of silver tableware.

A lack of enthusiasm for polishing,
lead to a suggestion from Nellie
that radically changed Old Hall's direction.

Although other firms made stainless steel cutlery,
Nellie's inspiration
was that Old Hall should make tableware.

Toastracks and cake stands soon followed,
and in 1930 came the first teapot.

From then until the 1970s,
when cheap far-eastern imports
flooded the market with lower standards and prices,
was the heyday of English stainless steel tableware.

So the majority of the stainless steel we collect
is between 40 and 60 years old,
and still looks great -
which is our idea of sustainability.
In 1955,
Robert Welch became consultant designer to Old Hall,
and remained so until Old Hall's 1984 closure.

Welch's passion for geometrical precision,
prompted by awareness of advances made by Gense in Sweden
during the Second World War,
was exactly what Old Hall needed,
and won many awards.

Go2 Robert Welch --- Wikipedia

Based in Chipping Campden in the Cotswolds,
in 1956 Welch began designing
the CAMPDEN range of both cutlery and tableware.

Put simply,
CAMPDEN is perfect for our collection,
being of the highest quality,
timeless in design,
and features strongly in our intended collection.

It looks great, feels heavy,
and is a pleasure to see and use.
As in all things in life,
there are different levels in the market,
and thus different qualities.

Mass markets force both price and quality down.

Pretty pictures in a catalogue,
designed to deceive,
can make poor or average stainless steel
appear better than it really is,
and many people buying on the internet
blindly click acceptance on offers,
only to be disappointed on arrival.
In searching for secondhand stainless steel,
we go for the very highest quality, whenever possible,
as we believe
that we all deserve to use the best available.

That means You!
We take care of our stainless steel,
and look for considerate people to hire it,
who will take equal care of it.
If high quality is our first intention,
our second intention
recognises there is no substitute for eyes and hands
that lavish TLC
( unless one cuts corners ).

We care for our collection by hand,
not machine.

We carefully hand-wash, polish, and dry stainless steel
to a very fine bright satin finish.

Our project's medium-term aim
is to build many sets of quality cutlery,
and other vintage stainless steel tableware,
to hire out,
as enjoyable therapy for our men's healing concept,
and for fundraising.

Corporate profit
not being our reason for existence,
we can go the extra mile for you,
to create something out of the ordinary
with creative enthusiasm.

If you have an event in mind,
we invite you to join in this process,
knowing that your input
will help build something useful
for men taking responsibility for healing themselves.

There are too many victims in this world,
and people feeding on that energy.

Would'nt it be wonderful
if men's groups doing useful healing work
sprung up all over England,
by the hire of quality stainless steel
that visits happy social events
run by people just like You?

We like the idea
of good energy from both sides
creating Win-Win Situations.
In creating this blog,
a tiny men's healing concept from Brighton,
hopes to transform
a small collection of stainless steel,
plus a random collection of junk and other things,
into a powerful and focused resource
the opens doors to new things.

If this idea appeals to you,
please make contact,
and let us know your ideas.

We have a great deal of time,
and bucket-loads of enthusiasm.

We hope people will be our eyes and ears,
and find us the stainless steel we need.

Over to You!